
blade element中文是什么意思

  • 叶片基元
  • 叶元体



  • 例句与用法
  • Blade element theory
  • The content of this paper includes the momentum ? blade element theory and cfd method which are both used to compute the aerodynamic characteristics of cooling fans
  • In this paper , schmitz theory is applied to design the blades of a 600kw horizontal - axis wind turbine , and aerodynamic performance of the wind turbine is analyzed by the theory of the blade element
    本文应用schmitz理论设计了? 600kw水平轴风力机的叶片,同时应用叶片基元法理论分析了该风机的气动性能。
  • Combined with blade element theory , the results can be used to evaluate aerodynamic characteristics of flapping wings , which are helpful for the initial design of micro rotary and flapping wing
  • In the present work , there are two methods to design the shrouded - propeller . one is based on the blade element and momentum theory , the other is based on the ufbng - line ( surface ) theory derived from circumfluence theory
  • A method presented for designing diagonal impeller blading from blade elements defined on cones which pass through the blade - edge streamline locations . the staking line for the blade elements can be leaned in both the axial and tangential directions
  • Based on the researches of shell and co - axial rotors , the aerodynamic characteristics of the helicopter in hovering are studied by means of the combination of momentum theory and blade element theory in this paper . an aerodynamic mathematical modeling has been established
  • The main object of this paper is to design a diagonal impeller , which requires small size and high rotating speed the first step of design is to solve the radial distribution of parameters at the inlet and outlet of the blade , such as pressure , temperature and velocity . and then , according to the radial distribution , we can design the diagonal impeller blade . blade elements are defined on a cone , which pass through the blade edge streamline location
  • Abstract : concerning the models for discribing aerodynamic stability of axial flow compressor , the original model is one - dimensional , and it is reasonable for the onset of surge only . for the onset of rotating stall , there are just some two - dimensional models at published literatures . a three - dimensional aerodynamic of compressor has been presented in this paper . an aerodynamic stability model concerning radial disturbance of compressor is presented . the calculated results show that the occurrence of radial disturbance is related to the axial velocity disturbance , which has important effect on aerodynamic stability of compressor . the position of onset of stall , in blade tip or hub , is dependent upon the characteristics of blade element . the comparisons of calculated results predicted by 2d and 3d aerodynamic stability model have also been made in this paper
  • Finally , the results from the two different calculation methods of the momentum ? blade element theory and the cfd are compared with the experimental data , indicating that the results from the momentum ? blade element theory with certain correction compare well in general with the experimental data , and that the cfd results are also in agreement with the experiment to some extent
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